Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Two graduations and a move!

The last few weeks have been filled with world wind of emotions.  May 12 my wonderful husband graduated college from Morningside with his degree in computer science.  I am so very proud of him.  He worked his butt of to get their.  It was a wonderful and beautiful day.  Afterwords we had a party for him at our place.  Then we played zombie munchkins after words.

On May 17 we moved out of our apartment.  For our first place we couldn't ask for a better place.  Well maybe one with A/C.  Then we went to his family house and they had a party for me since most of them couldn't make it.  I loved it, we had so much fun.  They played super munchkins this time.  We are going to miss you guys so much. 

May 18 I finally graduated college from WIT.  I got my technical studies diploma.  This diploma has my Graphic Design and Photography.  We went to Famous Dave's before to celebrate.    

May 19 we moved to Madison, WI.  We are really enjoying it here.  For not being able to look at our place before we move in it we did a very good job getting it.  We have a A/C, shower, washer and dryer, and a dishwasher.  We are enjoying it here but we are missing our families and friends.